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Barn Cat on Watch

Barn Cats at Home in a garage/workshop
See their houses below?

Barn Cat Program
Helping community/feral kitties live happy healthier lives!

Weatherford Whiskers helps people who want to help community/feral cats in our community. If you're a cat lover who has ever put food out for a hungry stray or community/feral cats, then we need your help to help these sweet kitties!

What is the Barn Program?
The barn program works like TNR, except these community/feral kitties do not have a place to call home. Weatherford Whiskers assists the Weatherford Parker County Animal Shelter (WPCAS) with their barn cat program. Community/Feral cats who end up at the shelter are unadoptable. Sadly, community/feral cats are humanely euthanized for that reason. WPCAS' barn program has helped save thousands of community/feral cats by placing "barn cats" with families who wish to have cats for rodent control. When you have barn cats, you give community/feral kitties another chance at life!

Barn kitties go out in sets of three. Weatherford Whiskers volunteers come to your residence and set up a set of cages tied together to create a 6-foot x 3-foot x 3-foot temporary housing facility.  In the back of the cage is the living quarters (carriers in summer) (ice chests with straw in winter).  The front of the cages is the litter box and by the cage door is the food and water.  Our volunteers show residents how to care for the cats during a two-week transition, where the barn cats stay in the cage and get used to the smells and sounds of their new territory and to learn this is their new home. After two weeks the cage is opened, and the barn cats are able to come and go. Once established in their new barn, shop or outbuilding, (usually about 3 weeks) our volunteer will return to pick up the cages. Residents continue to provide shelter, food and water for their barn cats and in turn, the barn cats provide excellent rodent control. The cats eat regular cat food (kibble) and are discouraged to eat the rodents they catch.  We want them to play and kill the rodents but not eat them as you never know if your neighbor is using poison to kill his rodents.  If a cat eats a poisoned critter, they too can die from the poison.

Some kitties even become friendly enough to be outdoor family members! You will know if your cat loves you when they leave you their "gift" that they just caught on your porch by your door! :)  Thanks to people who love cats, Weatherford Whiskers can help strays and community/feral kitties have a happy life.

If you are interested in helping community/feral cats in your community, or if you have a need for some barn cats on your property, please contact us by clicking on the link below and we will be more than happy to get back with you and tell you more.



Winter set up for barn cats.

Summer set up for barn cats.

Our Barn Cat Guy adding new barn cats to thier new temporty housing

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